Wednesday, January 14, 2009

This is my first Post!! wacko*!
..... to encourage those who feel knocked about by chronic illness and pain. This may or may not interest you, but if it does then read on.For many years I've been wrestling fms and CFS and all that those two intermingled illnesses bring to the table of life. In finding myself rendered (almost)"useless", I am learning to accept myself (and others) just as I am. Thank You for this lesson. You are not measured by the stuff you do. Finding still waters running


  1. Hi again Suz,

    I gather CFS stands for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
    But my brain is having a freeze with the other!
    I suffered RRF (Ross River Fever)for a long time...almost identical symptoms to that of CFS. I feel for you and understand! Mine has brought with it (or at least I blame it), several other fun when you're trying to raise a family.
    As the saying goes, "What doesn't kill us will surely make us stronger"

    I try to remind myself that we are right where we are meant to be right at this very moment.

    I hope that all goes smoothly for you from now on. Take care of you and yours
    Love always
    Jen xoxox

  2. Hey Suz,
    oh that sounds like a song.... oh no, wait a minute; thats hey jude. ok never mind.
    Now where were we. Oh yeah, i had a heck of a time figuring out how to leave a comment so i hope this is ok.
    I have cfs also brought on by pbc, an auto-immune liver disease. And osteo arthritis as well as a sleep disorder, basically i'm a night owl. I'm often up over here when you're up down under so
    hope we meet again!



About Me

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I'm here in Eltham with paint on my hands. My three kids have my attention most of the time, but my love, besides them and my partner of 15 years is, more centrally, my God who gives me inspiration for living and loving